Who said only big companies can sponsor?

I get it. Some sports are easier to follow than others. I happened to choose sports that you can't see firsthand by buying a ticket and sitting in a stadium with a hotdog in one hand and a massive drink in the other.

So, until the day a crazy entrepreneur decides to build a grade on the top of Everest with an elevator and an oxygen mask included in the ticket, you won't be able to witness my achievements in person.

But that doesn't mean you can't have a front-row seat while I make history for us.

That's why I created my personal sponsor program.

What is the personal sponsor program?

It's your chance to be an active part of history in the making. Choose the kind of participation you'd like, and help me complete those challenges.

There are two kinds of participation: In person or online.

In-person sponsorship

If you love outdoor activities and want to get to know me in person while I participate in the challenges, this is your greatest opportunity.

Walk with my expedition to the base camp when I climb a mountain. After I finish an Ironman, have a private dinner with all the personal sponsors and me. Join the relay team while I swim the Seven Oceans; or while I row the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. The sky is the limit.

Please note that places are extremely limited and that some of these activities require a certain fitness level and specific equipment. Each in-person sponsorship includes all the expenses to join the expeditions and support for my challenge. Contact my team for more information.

Online sponsorship

Not everybody can join me in the mountains, but that doesn't mean you can't be part of my expeditions. Choose a sponsorship tier, and help me get on top of the world.

Challenge's exclusive merchandising

Become a personal sponsor by getting some of the challenge's merchandising. The final price includes a $20 sponsorship fee.

Coming soon...

Silver personal sponsorship

Sponsor my next challenge with US$100 and receive a sponsor's certificate and a printable copy of the achievement once it's completed.

Gold personal sponsorship

Sponsor my challenge with US$150, and get everything included in the silver personal sponsorship, and join a group call with all gold sponsors to meet me.

Do you prefer to buy something unrelated to challenges? Visit my store and have a look. I have things for all tastes and pockets.


Maria da Conceição is a Portuguese world-class endurance athlete who has been breaking records for more than a decade


Created by © Carmen Ballesteros