I'm a Portuguese athlete in endurance sports and an international keynote speaker with a mission to inspire people to fight for their dreams.
For the past 20 years, I've been collecting awards and recognitions worldwide, but my story wasn't always so flashy. Actually, I come from a very humble origin and was raised to be a cleaning lady.
My story starts in a modest neighborhood in the beautiful Portuguese town of Avanca.
I had two moms. One left me when I was 2 years old to seek a better life, but she forgot to come back for me.
The other, Maria Cristina, was a widow refugee from Angola with six children who adopted and took care of me until her death when I was 9.
I learned too early that the world can be very unfair, and that poverty kills many opportunities and potential.
Maria Cristina became a role model for me.
This strong woman taught me that whenever we see an injustice, we must act immediately.
A hard worker, she also taught me to honor my commitments, to work hard no matter what, and that the recipe to get far in life is through perseverance and work.
I absorbed all her lessons and did my best to honor her memory.
Starting as a cleaning lady, I kept challenging myself to improve my life. Long story short, after many life twists, I became the air hostess of Dubai's royal family.
One official visit to Bangladesh changed my life forever.
Maria Cristina's words resonated in my head stronger than ever. This was unfair. These children would never stand a chance to have a better life. All I could see among all that poverty was a wasted potential.
And it was my moral duty to do something to help them.
I created a school and a foundation. I partnered with big companies in Dubai to give students internships so they could improve their lives and help their families (learn about the CSR program here).
I created a school and a foundation. I partnered with big companies in Dubai to give students internships so they could improve their lives and help their families (learn about the CSR program here).
But I faced an unfortunately-too-common problem: I had the passion and determination, but didn't have any money.
That's when sports came to my rescue.
I didn't have any sports background, and I was approaching my 40s. Everything was against me, but an idea took root in my brain, "What if I do something only a few have done before? Wouldn't that bring some funds to my cause?"
The seed was planted.
I knew it would be hard, but gosh, it hurts! The training was exhausting, every single bone and muscle in my body hurt for months.
But I was too determined to stop.
And I don't regret a thing because, in 2013, I became the first Portuguese woman to summit mount Everest.
I continued challenging myself in sports with those children always in my heart. Whenever I felt tempted to quit, I reminded myself that I had a bigger mission: to give an opportunity to the most vulnerable children, just like Maria Cristina gave me mine.
As a result, I have already held eight Guinness World Records and became the first Portuguese woman to reach the South Pole in only five years.
I realized that my story had the potential to change lives, and once again, I had to leave my comfort zone and embrace a new challenge.
It was probably the most difficult I have ever faced.
Public speaking.
In the first talks I gave, I just wanted to leave the room and hide in a corner, I wasn't raised to shine in public. Nobody taught me how to be the center of attention. It wasn't in my blood.
But, once again, I remember I wasn't doing any of those things for myself, but to help make the world a better place.
Meanwhile I continued training for my challenges and helping the children.
I'm starting 2025 with 10 Guinness World Records, and being the first Portuguese woman who summited Mount Everest and K2.
And I'm not stopping there...
This year I want to become the first Portuguese woman summiting the fourteen 8,000 meters peaks.
In 2026, I'll face another big challenge: Ocean Seven, an open-water swimming marathon in the Seven Seas.
And I want you to be part of this journey.
➢ A journey of working hard for a heart-driven mission.
➢ A journey where you can fight your demons together with me because I've got nothing figured out, but that will never stop me.
➢ A journey where you and I will reach the top of the world together.
I feel unstoppable with you by my side.
I don't know if someone famous said that sentence in the past, but they totally should. All my awards mean nothing without your support.
You can follow my journey on social media, or subscribe to my private club Become limitless, where I share tips on happiness, health, endurance, and how to become unstoppable.
You can become a corporate or individual sponsor because every help is welcome.
Maria da Conceição is a Portuguese world-class endurance athlete who has been breaking records for more than a decade
Created by © Carmen Ballesteros